Week 2: Winter 2021 40 Day Sadhana

Sarah and Isaac
4 min readFeb 28, 2021


This week, we explored meditation! We welcome you into the practice.

I often hear meditation discussed as a very strict practice that can be intimidating because we think that we can only meditate once our mind is still and calm. This static view of meditation can put us off even beginning a practice, or create the assumption that “I can’t meditate”.

I like to offer an approach that may feel more accessible. And that will hopefully welcome the now in all it’s noise, hustle, and bustle — both internally and externally.

Practice: Listening Meditation

Find a comfortable seat (floor, cushion, chair, couch, etc) with your spine as long and tall as is possible in this moment. Rest your eyes at one point or close your eyes. Then set a timer for whatever seems a reasonable amount of time for you- I recommend starting with 5 minutes. Practice listening awareness. Listen to the sounds from outside, from inside (your breath and body sounds), the thoughts in your mind, etc. Just practice listening and observing — practicing acceptance of all as it is, without changing the circumstances of your reality.

Great… so how did it go? What thoughts arose, what did you hear, did you stay in the practice until the timer went off? Journal or discuss with a friend for a few minutes to reflect on the meditation.

How do we already practice meditation in our own lives?

Next we shared where and how meditation shows up in our everyday lives. What are some practices we do that have the quality of grounding, centering, observing, being present. Some of the beautiful ideas shared were: hugs!, walks in nature, reading a passage from a daily meditation book, listening to music while lying down. In what ways do you already have a meditative practice set up?

What will our practice look like for the remainder of the 40 days?

How do you imagine meditation fitting into your current reality? What practice is needed and accessible in this season? What anchors can you link your practice to? For example if there is something you always do every day, then you can link a meditation practice to that routine. You could read a meditation passage while waiting for the coffee to brew instead of picking up your phone. Or you can use other aides- like lighting a candle to create the space, sitting by a window, or watching the steam lift off a cup of tea.

Take some time to journal and reflect on the types practices you are craving at this season in your life. What fits in? What is needed? What would invite you to grow? Try on a few practices that could range from reading, journaling, seated mediation with a guide (see week 1 post if you’d like a recommendation on guided meditations), hugging family members, and beyond! I know you’ll come up with many ways — both simple and creative — to honor what’s needed in your life at this moment.

Try to come up with something that you look forward to, is repeatable *most days, and feels healing to you. While I recommend considering practices that may not fall into the traditional seated meditation practices, I do recommend creating consistency and ritual in whatever practice you choose because many of the benefits show up with a repeated practice over time.

3 Words

How are the 3 words showing up for you so far? Have you found yourself at a decision (small or large) and then had the opportunity to bring your words to the forefront as a guide? If you need a little more help in deciding the 3 words, consider the next prompt about a miracle and then return to your 3 words.

The goal of these 3 words is that they can act as a rudder and guide in directing you towards your intention. Every time you have the opportunity to make a decision you can ask yourself which outcome or choice is in greater alignment with your intentions, your 3 words. Over time, these tiny shifts will create a new possibilities and larger shifts.


March 30 is the 40th day of this program… what would be a miracle for that day and beyond? How would you describe your way of being, or if you have something specific in mind- what do you see happening? Is it a new job, the culmination of a project or something more abstract — finally feeling at peace with the current challenges you are facing. If you were stuck on any of the 3 words, maybe articulating this vision can help you finalize the last word.

Journal a bit about what you see as the miracle of the 40 Days and beyond. What shift would be a miracle to realize in your life — specific or more abstract.

Invitations for the week

Reflect and try on meditation practices.

Write up your 3 words in a visible location, if they are not already posted.

Continue to explore what a physical asana practice looks like for you. Here is another 30-minute gentle practice if it is helpful and resonates. (password: W8cm6%*U)

And... see you next week!



Sarah and Isaac
Sarah and Isaac

Written by Sarah and Isaac

Isaac and Sarah are a married couple united by their love for yoga, nature and their commitment to spirituality; and separated by immigration delays.

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