Week 3: Winter 2021 40-Day Sadhana
Thank you for joining and following along!
We are continuing to work through the program, show up daily for our practices and reflect on what shows up in return!
In our Week 3 meeting we reflected on the past week of meditation focus, our 3 guiding intentional words and we set our focus on asana/ physical practice for the week ahead.
If you’d like to join in and participate- here’s the invitation!
Session Outline
- Listening Meditation. We completed the same practice as we started off with last week. I love this particular meditation practice because it allows us to be fully present with the now and to surrender to the chaos of our internal and external environments — teaching presence rather than necessitating a perfect and serene environment. After completing the meditation, we journaled for a few minutes as a way to check in with our feelings, what was showing up — recording whatever words, emotions, phrases, were present in that moment.
- 3 Intentional Words: We wrote down our 3 words from week 1(make sure they are posted somewhere visible if you haven’t already done this!) and then reflected on how they have shown up over the past week and right in this moment. The importance of these words can impact any decision or any challenge point — recall the three words and invite them to guide the next action. For example, I stepped on my mat the other night and felt like crying because I miss Isaac… and I did cry. Then I recalled my three words and resilience shone brightly. I committed to being resilient and practicing and moving forward with courage and my best effort. This is a practice of pausing, bringing awareness to what’s happening or what you are feeling in the moment and then choosing the next action instead of moving solely by default.
- Meditation: We reviewed and shared how and what our meditation practice has looked like over the past week. And what is anchoring us into the practice? Are there anchors in the day that help us link an existing habit to a meditation practice? Maybe the anchor is a time of day, a cup of tea, or a child’s request for attention.
- Text: What texts can also act as anchors or supports to our intentional and meditative practices? Is there something that you’ve been feeling called to explore a little more deeply? Or a text you already read that guides you. Commit to use it as a way to serve your meditation and intentional living over the coming weeks. It could be a novel, a daily devotional, an email listserve with inspirational quotes or readings, etc.
- Asana: As we explored with meditation… which practices do you already do within your day? And where do you want to put your attention and focus in the upcoming weeks. Just by bringing your awareness to how you are moving your body this week, I know you’ll find ways to move a little more and be more consistent. My main recommendation with this is to not let limitations prevent you from doing something. Even if there is an injury or limitation there are still SO many ways to continue to move. Be willing to start, be creative and less attached to how it looks. At every moment we all deal with a variety of limitations, and must be open to modifying and adjusting— let modifications be the norm so that you are always listening and adjusting and flowing. I find most success in committing to a small amount each day and allow the movement to flow intuitively once I show up. For example the following practice helps me to balance commitment and free flow. I show up on my mat for 30 minutes for 30 days. The movements that I do are not prescribed, the only guidelines are to step on the mat for 30 minutes and being open and non-judgmental of what shows up — whether high energy movement or savasana for the time. [follow along on instagram: @yogirunnersarah]. What would it look like in your own life to be committed, yet open to flow with what’s needed on a daily basis? Consider this based on your current reality.
If you’d like links to a few pre-recorded 30-minute flow practices, see week 1 & 2 blogs. And here is a third recording, passcode: 6yGR*8gV
Otherwise create your own movements and practices!
Invitations for the week
Practice awareness of and being grounded and guided by your 3 words.
Practice meditation as you’ve defined if for yourself in these 40 Days.
Practice asana/ physical movement as you’ve defined it for yourself in these 40 Days.
Use text and other anchors for support and inspiration in this journey.
Journal and reach out as needed!
Have a beautiful week and tune back in for Week 4 when we will lift our focus towards service.